Welcome to the Pearson Assessment Services Reporting Portal. This system allows you to view reports on marking with the eMARK system and associated Operational reports. You will need to log in using your eMARK login credentials.
The Reporting Portal is the private property of Pearson Assessment Services, intended for the exclusive use of authorized PAS personnel for internal business purposes. Logging into this system implies acceptance of the following terms and conditions:
- Anyone using this system consents to monitoring, review and recording of such activity by management or system personnel.
- You are required to keep your password confidential.
- All assessment responses are strictly confidential. You are contractually obligated to keep student information confidential and prohibited against disclosure of information to any unauthorized personnel. Violators may be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
- Do not provide access to confidential student information and copyright material of Pearson Assessment Services.
You will need the following:
Minimum screen resolution to view the reports: 1024*768